Free Webinar – Journey To Canada

Journey To Canada

Insights and experiences from new comers

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Are you considering moving to Canada but unsure about what to expect? Join us for our upcoming webinar, “Journey to Canada: Insights and Experience from Newcomers” where we will have two newcomers share their stories and answer your questions.

Our first guest is a recent graduate who moved to Canada as a student. He’ll share his experiences with adapting to a new country, navigating the education system, and finding employment opportunities.

Our second guest is a young professional who immigrated to Canada with a finance background. She’ll discuss her journey of settling into a new community, finding work in his field, and building a life with her partner.

Whether you’re planning to move to Canada for education, work, or family reasons, this webinar is the perfect opportunity to get firsthand insights and advice from those who have already made the journey.

Join us for “Journey to Canada: Insights and Experience from Newcomers” and get your questions answered by our knowledgeable guests. We look forward to seeing you there!

Priyanka Birla

Priyanka Birla

Volunteer Member

An entrepreneur with over ten years of experience in Finance, Audit and Taxation.  She has a Chartered Accountancy degree from India. She moved to Canada in 2022. She is passionate about transforming lives and creating happy faces, minds and souls. She wants to bring one change in society that would change the lives of thousands.  

Dhruv Panchal

Dhruv Panchal

Volunteer Member

Dhruv is a Business Analyst professional with experience in marketing and advertisement in a client-facing environment in Media, Educational services and the Oil&Gas industry.


What Our Attendees Say


Honest and Transparent information



Very informative session, and very humble speakers. I am so moved by this non-profit organization that I have decided to become a volunteer with them.

Priyanka Birla


Thankful for first-hand experiences and inputs. This session helped me put things into perspective

Deepa Malik